
Unity Government With Labour Remainers Needed – Leading Pro-EU Conservative

Anna Soubry has previously warned Prime Minister Theresa May that tensions over Brexit threaten to split both major parties and lead to a centrist third force in UK politics that favors remaining in the EU.

Anna Soubry, former British minister for small business, industry and enterprise and of one of the Conservative Party's most senior and vocal opponents of Brexit, has called on Prime Minister Theresa May to form "a government of national unity" with support from pro-Remain Labour MPs as, according to her, the Hard Brexiteers led by Jacob Rees-Mogg have taken over the government.

"Problem is I don't think that she's in charge any more. I've no doubt Jacob Rees-Mogg is running our country. I personally would abandon the Labour frontbench and I would reach beyond it, and I would encompass Plaid Cymru, the SNP and other sensible, pragmatic people who believe in putting this country's interests first and foremost," Ms Soubry said in comments reported by The Guardian newspaper.

Ms Soubry also condemned what she called the "appalling spectacle" of Conservative party whips who reportedly threatened the Prime Minister with a vote of no confidence due to opposition to the cabinet's Brexit blueprint agreed at Chequers two weeks ago.

Long serving as the main pro-Remain voice inside the Conservative Party alongside former Attorney General Dominic Grieve, Ms Soubry in early 2018 had threatened the Prime Minister that she and other pro-EU Conservatives would abandon the party unless the influence of "Hard Brexiteers" around Jacob Rees-Mogg were marginalized from the cabinet.
