
Spell Check Anyone? Twitter Roasts White House’s ‘United Sates’ Typo

The mistake, already embarrassing for being in bold font, was been left uncorrected by the White House’s Twitter account for four hours.

Friday afternoon, the White House's Twitter page began posting a series of graphics of quotes by US President Donald Trump talking about the state of the US economy, particularly the 4.2 percent GDP growth rate that the US Commerce Department estimated for Q2 2018 in a report released Friday.

US Pre-Owned Home Sales Continue Decline Amid Robust Economy

Problem is, lovely as the graphics are, it seems nobody copyedited the text before it went up, meaning the 17.1 million Twitter followers of the White House page got a blast of embarrassing typos.

It wasn't simply forgetting the "I before E, except after C" rule or a misplaced capitalization; it was a misspelling of the name of the country.

"If economic growth continues at this pace, the united sates economy will double in size more than 10 years faster than it would have under President Bush or President Obama," read the error-afflicted image.

Naturally, keen-eyed Twitterers noticed and started reaming the Executive Branch's page for the faux pas, especially considering that the mistake was up for several hours without anyone at the White House noticing.

​​The rest of Twitter dragged the White House for the faux pas.

​We can't help but agree with this one:

​Other posters suggested that perhaps the White House was sending the message it meant to after all…

​Others considered the oversight par for the course:


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