Fault Lines

Deconstructing Deceptive Mainstream Media Narratives

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss how the mainstream media manipulates the public using carefully constructed narratives. Peter Lavelle, the host of RT's Cross Talk, joins the show for the first time to give his thoughts on how the news media operates and the methods they utilize.

Scheduled Guests:

Peter Lavelle — Host of 'Cross Talk' on RT | "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and Mainstream Media Narratives

Randi Nord — Co-Founder of Geopolitics Alert & Contributor at Mint Press News | The Media's Shocking Silence Continues on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Ariel Gold — National Co-Director at Code Pink | Why does Code Pink want to Abolish ICE?

Tim Black — Entrepreneur, Author, Activist and Talk Host | How the Media and Political Elites Continue to Fail the Public

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen continues to worsen despite a major lack of coverage from the mainstream media. This includes MSNBC spending 400+ segments on Stormy Daniels over the past year yet zero on the horror in Yemen. Randi Nord of GeoPoliticsAlert.com returns to the show to detail the situation in Yemen and what is expected to occur in the coming months.

Recently, there have been many groups and individuals arguing in favor of abolishing ICE. Code Pink is one of the organizations pushing this movement, and Ariel Gold, the Co-Director of Code Pink, will join Garland and Lee to discuss why Code Pink has adopted this position and what an ideal immigration system would look like.

For the final segment, entrepreneur and talk host Tim Black returns to the program to talk about the irrational hatred some seem to have for President Trump, the current state of the media, and LeBron James involvement with politics and philanthropy.
