By Any Means Necessary

Black Women's Equal Pay Day; Trump Launches Space Force

Record number of wins for women candidates in 2018; Communal music and movements; "Unite the Right rally 2" readies in DC; Chicago 'bait' truck.

In the first segment of "By Any Means Necessary" technology policy analyst and engineer Cory Lancaster and Jennifer Blemur, a writer and outreach coordinator for 82 Tabs of Policy join the show to talk about Black Women's Equal Pay Day, the vast pay inequality between black women and white men in the US, the regressive maternity leave laws in America, the failure of the Democratic Party to create a progressive candidate pipeline, and the record number of women running for office in 2018.

In the third segment of "By Any Means Necessary" Dr. Ysaÿe M. Barnwell, a musician, arranger, singer, and master teacher joins the show to talk about the role of music in movements, the ways in which song can document history, and carrying the energy of liberation from the church to the streets.

In the last hour "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Dane Figueroa Edidi, Black, Cuban, Indigenous, Nigerian trans woman, performance artist, playwright and advocate and Sputnik news analyst Bob Schlehuber to talk about the leaked recordings of Republican Rep. Devin Nunes of California, the Maryland Gubernatorial race, the Unite the Right rally in Washington, DC, a Chicago Police 'bait' truck, the latest from the NFL anthem protests, Donald Trump's Space Force and more.
