
'Will You Marry Me?' Lady Drinks Beer Out of Dead Fish (VIDEO)

Welcome to the weird side of the internet. A half-naked woman drank beer out of a gutted fish; however, her video drew controversial reactions from the public, leaving many people outraged.

In a viral clip, accompanied by hashtag #slamminsalmon, which has racked up over 3.5 million impressions, a young woman wearing a bikini is seen chugging beer out of a dead fish.

Even though most of the liquid missed her mouth and spilled onto her cheeks and bikini, the lady apparently didn't enjoy the experience, concluding: "That was awful."

Some people, however, felt less enthusiastic about her innovative way of drinking beer, responding to the video with a barrage of sarcastic comments.

Others cheered on the woman, calling her a "savage" and even making playful online proposals.
