
McDonnell Accuses Labour MPs of Using Anti-Semitism Row to Form New Party

The UK Labour Party has long been mired in controversy over its alleged tolerance of anti-Semitism within its ranks, with leader Jeremy Corbyn being personally accused by critics of not doing enough to tackle the issue.

Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell accused some Labour MPs on Thursday of attempting to use the ongoing anti-Semitism crisis to split away and form a new rival party.

In a tweet, the shadow chancellor said using anti-Semitism as a cover for such a political move would be “appalling cynicism,” suggesting some so-called “moderate” MPs have been conspiring to split the party for over two years, due to their opposition to Corbyn’s left-wing policies.

READ MORE: Writer Explains What's Behind Corbyn Anti-Semitism Accusations

“For anybody to use the issue of antisemitism as a cover for launching a new political party they had been planning for nearly two years would rightly be seen as an act of appalling cynicism, basely exploiting a genuine concern that people of goodwill are working hard to address,” Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell tweeted on August 16. 

Earlier, Len McCluskey, chief of the Unite trade union, a key Labour ally, also issued a statement in support of Corbyn, alleging that some MPs were using the anti-Semitism scandal to oust Corbyn and achieve other political goals.

Chris Leslie and Chuka Umunna, among other Labour MPs, are reportedly looking to breakaway and form a centrist party.

'On the Wrong Side': Labour Party's New Anti-Semitism Code Draws Criticism
Allegations of the Labour Party tolerating anti-Semitism are hurting its ratings, though senior party officials continue to deny any wrongdoing and recently published a new set of guidelines on what constitutes anti-Semitic content conduct.

However, Jewish groups have warned that the guidelines don’t go far enough and have called for further action to stamp out anti-Semitism from the Labour Party.

READ MORE: UK Home Secretary Hints Corbyn Should Quit Over Alleged Tribute to Terrorists
