Painting Panda’s Abstract Art on Sale for $560 a Pop (PHOTOS)

People are flocking to the Vienna Zoo in Austria, and it’s not just to see the cute pandas.

Yang Yang, a female panda that gave birth to twins two years ago, has learned to use a brush to paint. 

Painting panda at Vienna, Austria zoo

Although it's not entirely clear how Yang Yang learned to paint, her art, which consists of minimalist black splotches on white canvases, is being sold online for about $560 per piece to raise money for a picture book about the Austrian zoo's pandas, Channel News Asia reported Monday.

Yang Yang's work resembles that of American abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock, who was well known for his unique style of drip painting. 

Painting panda at Vienna, Austria zoo

The painting panda, who is 18 years old, has given birth to a total of five pandas over the years.
