
Illegal Migrants Must Be Transported Back to Africa - Hungarian PM

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Tuesday that Europe needed a new European Commission and Parliament that would stand up for the protection of borders and the stopping of migration.

"Europe's security hinges on his (Salvini's) success," Orban said at a joint news conference with Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini in Milan.

Prior to the talks, Orban said that he was looking forward to his first meeting with Salvini, whom he called his hero.

"I want to meet Salvini very much. He is my hero, my soulmate. I admire him a lot. I think I have some experience that I would like to share with him," Orban said ahead of his meeting with Salvini.

Viktor Orban has been pursuing a tough line toward migrants since the refugee crisis broke out in Europe in 2015. After hundreds of thousands of migrants entered Hungary, Budapest built a border fence along its southern frontier to stop the inflow.

READ MORE: Trump Thinks Orban 'Strong Man', Wants to Develop US-Hungary Ties — Reports

Harsh anti-immigration measures were a major part of his election campaign and remain one of the main topics in his current political agenda.

In early April, he won a third term as Hungarian PM and secured his Fidesz party a strong majority in the country's parliament.
