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Consequences of Immigration are Negligible or Negative

In the latest edition of Shooting from the Lip Jon talks about one of the most controversial and talked about subjects on the ordinary voters’ lips, immigration. In this no holds barred interview with Neil Anderson of Migration Watch Jon asks can any UK political party deliver what the people seem to be demanding?

Neil makes the point that, “The British public have consistently said over the last 20 years they don’t want mass immigration.”

He warns that, “If our democracy is to survive then our elected officials need to respond to the will of the people and the will of the people has been clear for a very long-time migration levels are too high and they need to come down.”

Jon and Neil discuss the historical reasons why migration is at this level and what will happen post Brexit.

The interview concludes with Neil saying, “Unless the immigration issue is addressed the future could be very unpleasant indeed, we only need to look at what is happening in parts of Europe.”

This interview will get you thinking and talking.
