By Any Means Necessary

On Their Death Bed: Jair Bolsonaro and Obama's Political Legacy

Presidential candidate Bolsonaro stabbed in Brazil; Will Kavanaugh be confirmed? Sweden heads to the polls; Is Obama Political relevant?

In the first segment of "By Any Means Necessary" we're joined by Arnold August, author of the new book Cuba-U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond to talk about the stabbing of right-wing Brazilian Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, Lula da Silva latest judicial loss in his efforts to stand for President, and corruption charges against Fernando Haddad, former Mayor of Sao Paulo.

In the second segment Zachary Wolfe, lawyer, activist, and professor at George Washington University joins the show to talk about what if anything new was learned about Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over the last days of Senate confirmation hearings, the staggering rate Trump has appointed judges to lower courts, and how social movements can organize to put pressure on judges.

In the third segment John Feffer, author and Director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies talks about a new US-Mexico trade agreement that has left Canada on the sidelines, ongoing US-North Korea negotiations, Kim Jong Un efforts to bolster economic development within North Korea, and Sunday's elections in Sweden.

In the last hour "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Brandon Sutton, host of the Discourse podcast and Bob Schlehuber, Sputnik News Analyst to talk about Barack Obama's speech at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Tom Carper winning Delaware's Democratic Senate nomination on Thursday, Alex Jones being banned from Twitter, and an off-duty officer in Dallas kills a man after entering the wrong apartment.

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