
Chinese Restaurant Closed After Pregnant Woman Finds Dead Rat in Soup (VIDEO)

A hotpot restaurant in China's Shandong province in Weifang was shut down by health inspectors last week after a pregnant woman found a dead rat lying at the bottom of her soup.

According to the South China Morning Post, the woman and her husband were dining at the popular restaurant chain Xiabu Xiabu on Thursday when they made the shocking discovery. Video of the incident shows a lifeless rodent being picked out of the hotpot before being placed on a nearby plate.

After alerting restaurant staff to the find, the manager reportedly told the family that he was willing to compensate them some $700 for their troubles, the Shanghaiist reported. However, after being informed that a pregnant woman had eaten out of the hotpot, the official said he was willing to cough up nearly $3,000 to pay for an abortion if the customers were concerned about the child's health.

​Xiabu Xiabu, which has more than 700 locations in China, released a statement to the Post, saying that it has always "placed great emphasis on food security and would make any necessary improvements."

The status of the woman is unclear, presently.
