By Any Means Necessary

The "End" of Palestine and the End of Mass Incarceration

US orders the closing of the PLO offices in DC; Efforts to repress 2018 prison strikes; the fight for educational justice

In the first segment of "By Any Means Necessary" we're joined by Richard Becker, author of "Palestine, Israel and the US Empire" to talk about the Trump administration's ordering the closing of the Palestinian Liberation Organization offices in Washington, DC, John Bolton's threats against the ICC over Israel criticisms, and the coordinated efforts by the US and Israel to repress Palestinian resistance movements.

In the second segment, Ben Turk of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee and the Lucasville Amnesty Campaign joins the show to talk about the 2018 prison strikes across the United States, the efforts by prison officials to disrupt and repress uprisings, the importance of mass organizing in prison movements, and the lack of press access to American prisons and prisoners.

In the third segment we're joined by Mark Warren, professor of public policy and public affairs at the University of Massachusetts Boston and Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, Co-Founder of Racial Justice NOW! & National Field Organizer of Dignity in Schools Campaign. Mark has authored and edited a new book which features Zaikya titled "Lift Us Up, Don't Push Us Out!" which features voices from the front line of the educational justice movement.

In the last hour "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Ra Shad Frazier Gaines, founder of Black Progressives to talk about the politics of Hurricane Florence, the continued fallout from the funeral of American icon Aretha Franklin, the politics of the Black church in the US, the continued saga of the murder of Botham Jean in Dallas, Texas, and the feud between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B.

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