
US to Consider Establishing Permanent Military Base in Poland - Trump

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday in a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda at the White House that the two would discuss establishing a permanent US military base in Poland.

"We're looking at it very seriously, I know Poland likes the idea very much, and it's something that we are considering, yes," Trump told reporters.

The statement of the US President comes just a few days after Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaschak announced that his country can pay up to $2 billion for the deployment of a permanent US military base in the country.

READ MORE: Why is Poland Hosting a US Military Base 'Not the Best' Option?

Warsaw's Concerns Over Alleged Russian Threat Are Senseless - Ex-Polish PM
The Polish Defense Ministry previously claimed that deployment of the US troops in the country would send a message to Moscow that Washington is ready to protect its allies in Eastern Europe.

Addressing the issue, Russia has repeatedly voiced its protests against the NATO military buildup near its borders, saying that this move would undermine regional stability and would lead to a new arms race.
