
Trump's Plan to Boost Ethanol in Gasoline Under US Oil Industry Criticism

While an oil surplus has led to the lowest gas prices in years for American consumers, it also has caused layoffs for workers in the U.S. oil industry.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - A Trump administration plan to raise the ethanol content in motor fuel from 10 percent to 15 percent is misguided because US cars are not designed to use the higher mix, the American Petroleum Institute said in a press release on Friday.

"E15 can damage vehicle engines and fuel systems — potentially leaving consumers on the hook for expensive repair bills," the American Petroleum Institute said in a press release. "In fact, three out of four vehicles on the road today were not designed for E15."

READ MORE: US Gasoline Prices Hit Seasonal 4-Year High as Oil Rises, but Demand Falters

Environmentalist groups advocate the increased use of ethanol and other fuels made from plants as a measure to reduce carbon emissions that are believed responsible for climate change, according to published reports.

Oil production.
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The carbon dioxide released when ethanol is burned is offset by the carbon dioxide that is absorbed by plants that are used to make the fuel, the US Department of Energy claimed.

The American Petroleum Institute is the only US trade association representing all facets of the oil and natural gas industry. The Institute says it has more than 600 members, including large integrated companies, as well as exploration and production, refining, marketing, pipeline, and marine businesses, and service and supply firms.
