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Kavanaugh Vote Delayed, FBI to Investigate; Cosby Behind Bars; Friday Panel!

On this episode of The Critical Hour, Dr. Wilmer Leon is joined Abdus Luqman, co-editor-in-chief of Luqman Nation; Earl Ofari Hutchinson, author of Why Black Lives Do Matter; and Ray Baker, host of the podcast Public Agenda, for the Friday Panel!

It's Friday, so it's time for the panel news roundup! Today was quite a day in the US Senate and in an elevator in the Capitol. Just as Senators Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch were about to take their victory lap, Senator Jeff Flake got cornered by a woman whose personal story rocked him to his socks. With that, Flake agreed to vote to send Kavanaugh's nomination to the Senate floor, but said he would not be comfortable voting for Kavanaugh's final confirmation without giving the FBI a week to investigate. What's going on here?

Dr. Cosby was given a three-to-10 year prison sentence for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, at his home outside Philadelphia 14 years ago. Judge Steven T. O'Neill upheld a state board's finding that Dr. Cosby is a sexually violent predator. He was immediately taken into custody and will go straight to prison, as the judge denied him a request to remain free on bail while he pursues an anticipated appeal. It is a tragic end to a brilliant career.

We'll take another look at President Donald Trump's UN speech, with our guest Dr. Jack Rasmus. In his recent piece, "Trump At the UN: Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics," he states, "In the course of his over-the-top, self-congratulatory announcement he said the US economy had grown faster in his first two years at the presidential helm than in any administration before during a like period, he had reduced unemployment to the lowest rate ever in the US, and his policies have produced record wage gains for American workers. The reality, however, is none of the above are true." We'll drill into the details.

We've got all your news analysis and so much more to cover!


Abdus Luqman — Co-editor-in-chief of Luqman Nation, and the co-host of the Facebook LivestreamCoffee, Current Events & Politics, Thursdays at 9 p.m.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Political analyst, author of Why Black Lives Do Matter and host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles and the Pacifica Network.

Ray Baker — Political analyst and host of the podcast Public Agenda.

Dr. Jack Rasmus — Professor of economics at Saint Mary's College of California, author of Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes: Monetary Policy and the Coming Depression and writer at

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