The planting event took place during the Northern Character: Green Screen first international environmental, social and film festival, held on the border of Russia and Norway.
Fourteen seedlings of Hungarian lilac, adapted to the local climate, were planted in Nikel. According to experts, the saplings should take root even though the first snow began to fall during the planting ceremony.
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"This is a special breed recommended for landscaping in northern cities. The shrubs should take root well, the land is not frozen yet, so the planting dates have not yet ended," Acting Director of the Polar and Alpine Botanical Garden Institute Oksana Gontar told Sputnik.
В символическом открытии фестиваля — посадке на Аллее Дружбы саженцев сирени — приняли участие Марина Ковтун, генконсул королевства Норвегия в Мурманске Эрик Сведал, представители муниципальной власти Печенгского района и коммуны Сёр-Варангер, компании «Норникель» и жители Никеля
— @govmurman51 (@govmurman51) 28 сентября 2018 г.