FBI Sexual Misconduct Probe Targets Everyone Except Kavanaugh, Ford - Reports

The FBI headquarters building in Washington, DC.
As the FBI investigates the 1982 alleged attempted rape of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, attempts to buttress his reputation as well as undermine hers have come from multiple sides. In the middle of it all, the US president mocked the very accusation of rape before a crowd of supporters.

At a rally in Minnesota Tuesday night, US President Donald Trump mocked Ford's claims, imitating her pretending not to know any details at all about the night she claims Kavanaugh tried to rape her. "They want to destroy people; these are really evil people," Trump told a crowd, which booed the statement.

Fault Lines
More Kavanaugh Drama to Come as the FBI Investigates...

"This is a time when your father, when your husband, when your brother, when your son, could do great," the president said, but a person whom they've "never met" could destroy that with an accusation.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump was simply "stating the facts" during a news conference Wednesday. Her comments echoed an attitude shown by other Trump administration officials, including adviser Kellyanne Conway, who that same day had opined that Ford had been treated "like a Fabergé egg by all of us," NBC reported.

Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in before testifying during the Senate Judiciary Committee, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington.
Kavanaugh Testimony May Haunt Him As Supreme Court Justice

The New York Times reported Wednesday that a former boyfriend of Ford's had seen her use her understanding of psychology to help her roommate at the time, Monica L. McLean, prepare for a possible polygraph test during upcoming job applications. Delivered to a person supporting Kavanaugh's confirmation to the US Supreme Court, the revelation, if true, could signal that Ford lied under oath when she told the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday that she had never "given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test."

McLean, a former FBI agent, denied the assertion, saying in a statement Wednesday, "I have never had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at any time."

There isn't a controversy at all, human rights and labor lawyer Dan Kovalik told Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear Wednesday.

​"Clearly what's happening here is they're trying, very desperately, to undermine the credibility of Dr. Ford — because she seems so credible. This seems to be just grasping at straws. As you noted," he said to John Kiriakou, who co-hosts the show with Brian Becker, "this appears, even by this account, which is trying to help Kavanaugh, she was merely trying to help her friend stay relaxed and at ease during the polygraph test. The problem with polygraph tests is if you are a nervous person, it may have a false positive, and that was what she was trying to help her friend avoid, not beat the test and be able to lie and not be caught, so I think that was what was happening here."

Ford’s Senate Testimony Emboldening Sexual Assault Victims to Report Attacks

Bloomberg reported Wednesday that FBI wasn't going to be interviewing Ford or Kavanaugh because it doesn't have clear authority from the White House to do so, indicating that their testimonies before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday were sufficient.

Meanwhile, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) let slip to the media following a closed-door meeting with Senate GOP leaders that lawmakers were expecting a "stack of reports" from the FBI as early as Wednesday evening and that a vote on ending debate over Kavanaugh's confirmation was expected on Friday, paving the way for a confirmation vote, the Examiner reported.

Kovalik said it was "almost baffling" that the FBI wouldn't interview Kavanaugh or Ford.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Friend Claims Ford 'Never Prepared' Her for Polygraph Test

"If you don't interview the two key people involved in the incident, when this is largely going to come down to the credibility of those two people, I don't see how you are able to come up with any conclusion at all… It's not just about the sexual assault, it's also about whether Kavanaugh might have committed perjury and lied under oath, lied to the Senate — in fact Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he wanted the FBI to look into that very issue. I mean, here's a guy who's gonna possibly be on the highest court of the land, and if he lied under oath and to the Senate, it's not only a crime, but it should disqualify him to hold that office."

"If he lied on the tangential things, he may be lying on the big things," Kovalik noted.
