Fault Lines

Steve Bannon Talks Populism and Engaging With Hostile Media

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Lee Stranahan and Garland Nixon discuss Steve Bannon's recent appearance on Bill Maher's show where he promoted his populist vision. How does Trump's former Chief Strategist view the current political climate and why does he regularly choose to engage with hostile media?


Margaret Kimberley — 'Black Agenda Report' Editor and Senior Columnist | What are the US Policy Objectives in Syria?

Andrew Kerr - Investigative Reporter for 'The Daily Caller' | What do we know about Controversial Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick?

Tom Luongo — Geopolitical Analyst and Publisher of the Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter | What Does the Future Hold for Angela Merkel and the European Union?

Tim Black — Entrepreneur, Author, Activist and Talk Host | Jeff Bezos and Amazon Embrace the $15/Hour Minimum Wage

The Brett Kavanaugh battle has consumed Washington DC as the media and public do their best to analyze the various allegations. Andrew Kerr, an Investigative Reporter for 'The Daily Caller,' joins today's show to analyze the most controversial of Kavanaugh's accusers, Julie Swetnick, and some of the conflicting statements she has made.

As Angela Merkel's political power continues to decrease in Germany, the future of the European Union remains very much in question. Geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo returns to the program to detail the current political situation in Germany and how massive debt threatens to overwhelm the European Union.

For the final segment, the hosts are joined by entrepreneur and talk host Tim Black to discuss Amazon's decision to raise its company minimum wage to $15/hour for all their US workers. Why did Jeff Bezos and Amazon make this move, and how will it impact the company moving forward?

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