
Alyssa Milano Turns On Bill Clinton After Being Slammed for 'Double Standard BS'

One of Bill Clinton’s alleged rape victims pointed out earlier that Milano wasn’t always that critical of the former US president.

Hollywood actress and prominent #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano has announced that, in her opinion, former US President Bill Clinton probably shouldn’t have been given "the benefit of the doubt" regarding sexual misconduct allegations brought up against him, just like the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should not be afforded it today.

"I think that as a nation, we were at a different time. I think that women were continually being silenced. And I think we gave him the benefit of the doubt, and we probably should've investigated the allegations against him as well," Milano said in an interview on Thursday, as quoted by Fox News.

Users Recall Alyssa Milano's 'Love' for Bill Clinton Amid Anti-Kavanaugh Crusade
The actress delivered this statement mere days after Juanita Broaddrick, a woman who accuses Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978, called out Milano over a since-deleted 2012 tweet in which the latter reportedly professed her admiration for the 42nd President of the United States by writing "Bill Clinton, I love you so much. Like crazy amounts of love."

"REAL victims of Bill Clinton would like to hear from you or will you continue with your double standard bullsh*t?" Broaddrick inquired.

​This development did not escape the attention of social media users, prompting some of them to echo Broaddrick by labeling Milano as a hypocrite.

​Last week, Alyssa Milano stole the spotlight during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, thanks to her behavior and choice of attire.

READ MORE: Twitter Blasts Alyssa Milano's 'Revealing Dress' at Kavanaugh Hearing

While some people focused their attention on the “revealing” black pinstriped dress that the actress wore, others took note of Milano’s “death stare.”
