
Humble Hero: Bernie Sanders Saves Woman From Traffic, Keeps Quiet About It

The senator’s staffers revealed that their boss never told them about this incident, and that they only learned about his deed from the social media.

US Senator and former presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders apparently believes that a good deed is its own reward, as he helped save a woman from oncoming traffic and didn’t bother to brag about his exploits.

The public apparently became aware of this incident only after the lady herself, a student at the University of the District of Columbia named Amy Currotto, posted her account of it on Facebook along with a selfie she took at that time with Sanders.

As Currotto, who uses a wheelchair, explained in an interview with the news website DCist, she was crossing the street at a crosswalk a few blocks from Capitol Hill and probably “was not 100 percent paying attention” when she suddenly heard someone yelling "Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am!"

"It was Bernie Sanders. I was in shock and he was like, 'Ma'am, get off the street'," she said, adding that she was "kind of embarrassed at first, but he ended up being really nice."

A representative of Sanders' Senate staff confirmed to DCist that this interaction took place, noting however that Sanders’ staffers only became aware of it via social media as the senator didn’t tell them anything because “he doesn't view it as a big deal.”

This occurrence resonated with social media users, with many praising both Senator Sanders’ conduct and humility.
