
#KavaNAW: What Now?

Thursday, in Washington, DC, protests that precipitated 302 arrests, demonstrators against Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation marched on the federal court and the US Supreme Court Building, even occupying the Hart Senate Office Building.

Having wrapped up the investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh, the FBI invited senators into a highly secure room to view their findings and receive details on which witnesses were deemed, as US President Donald Trump said Monday, "within reason."

Amid coverage of protesters across DC, media outlets honed in on three Republican senators who had openly expressed their reservations about voting a party-line "yes" for Kavanaugh: Susan Collins, Jeff Flake and Lisa Murkowski.

Meanwhile, footage of retired SCOTUS Associate Justice John Paul Stevens recently addressing retirees in Boca Raton, Florida, and voicing his thoughts on Kavanaugh's testimony made its way through the net, courtesy of C-SPAN.

"He's a fine federal judge, and he should have been confirmed when he was nominated. But I think that his performance during the hearings caused me to change my mind."

While everyone seems to have an opinion on the matter, the date of the procedural vote to confirm Kavanaugh's appointment remains unannounced.
