
'Hire These Scriptwriters': Twitter Brewing Over Revelations on Russian Hackers

Just over a day ago, the Dutch Defense Ministry stated that four Russians, who’ve since been expelled, had attempted to hack the Organization for the OPCW, while the US Justice Department accused seven alleged Russian military intelligence officials of carrying out cyber-attacks on doping agencies and several international organizations.

The Russian Foreign Ministry, in the wake of the Dutch government’s claims that four GRU operatives who purportedly had diplomatic passports attempted to conduct a hacker attack on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has stated that "Western spy mania is gaining momentum." According to Dutch Defense Minister Ank Bijleveld, who broke the news, the four individuals all had been expelled from the Netherlands on these grounds.

READ MORE: Moscow Responds to Washington's New Hacking Accusations: 'Dangerous Path'

Later in the day, following her statements that Washington was going to impose charges against some "Russian intelligence agents," the US Department of Justice announced an indictment charging “seven Russian military officers with violating several US criminal laws for malicious cyber activities against the United States and its allies."

​Among the alleged targets of the Russian intelligence officers, there were WADA, the OPCW, USADA, Westinghouse nuclear power company, which provides power to Ukraine, at least 250 athletes and sports figures from different countries as well as a Swiss lab, analyzing a toxic substance that was allegedly used against ex-GRU operative Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, UK.

However, the news bomb, the two NATO allies dropped, has received mixed reactions on social media. While some have praised the security services for doing a good job, others have questioned their integrity, pointing to a “bad record of cover-ups.”

​Some netizens have pointed out that no countries’ security service is innocent.

​How the services managed to get their evidence also raised some eyebrows.

​Some have described recent events as farce and doubted their veracity.

There were even those who treated the statements as laughable, praising the “scriptwriters” of this saga.
