
US Should Avoid Conflict, Opt For Win-Win Cooperation - China's Foreign Minister

BEIJING (Sputnik) - China calls on the United States to avoid pushing for conflicts in trade and politics and demands that Washington immediately cease erroneous statements and actions against Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister said Monday.

"The US has also taken a series of actions regarding Taiwan and other matters and leveled groundless accusations against China’s domestic and foreign policy. We urge the US to immediately stop its misguided comments and actions. China and the US should stick to the right path of win-win cooperation and avoid straying into conflict and confrontation," China's foreign minister Wang Yi said at a meeting with US State Secretary Mike Pompeo in Beijing.

According to the minister, US actions have hurt the mutual trust of the two countries, cast a shadow on the prospects for China-US relations, and run counter to the interests of the peoples of the two countries.

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China and the United States should follow the right path of cooperation for mutual benefit, Wang added.

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The Chinese foreign minister's statement comes following earlier reports published last month noting that the US-China trade war took a new turn and extended to the security sector after Trump sanctioned a key Chinese military unit for buying Russian weapons and accused Beijing of meddling in the upcoming US midterm elections.

Over the past several months, relations between Washington and Beijing have sharply deteriorated over trade disagreements. In September, the United States imposed a new round of tariffs on Chinese goods and retaliatory restrictions on US imports to China. This happened amid the further escalating trade dispute which the parties have so far failed to resolve, despite holding numerous consultations.
