
Syrian Soldier Injured in Shelling by Militants in Latakia Province

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said Tuesday that a serviceman of the Syrian government army was injured in shelling by militants in Syria’s Latakia province.

"Over the past 24 hours, insurgents attacked Rwaisat Iskander (twice), Arifat, Kalaz Tuhtuni, Beit Smaira in Latakia province, Maaret Um Haush (twice), Aleppo province, research center in Aleppo city, Abu Dali, Hama province. One Syrian soldier was wounded as a result of attack against Kalaz Tuhtuni, Latakia province," Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko, head of the center, said.

At Least 2 Syrian Soldiers Killed as Militants Shell Latakia - Russian MoD
READ MORE: Daesh Attacks Refugee Camp in Syria, Take Hundreds Hostage — Russian Military

He also noted that the center carried out humanitarian actions in the province of Deir ez-Zor and in the city of Aleppo, delivering 3 tonnes of food to those in need.

In total, residents of the Sukari district in Aleppo were provided with a tonne of fresh bread, while inhabitants of the Khusham in Deir ez-Zor received 450 food sets weighing around 1.95 tonnes.

Syria has been in a state of civil war since 2011, with the government forces fighting against numerous opposition groups and militant and terrorist organizations. Russia, along with Turkey and Iran, is a guarantor of the ceasefire regime in Syria. Moscow has also been providing humanitarian aid to residents of the crisis-torn country.
