
Mexico to Ask UN for Help with Central American Refugees

In this April 29, 2018 file photo, a member of the Central American migrant caravan, holding a child, looks through the border wall toward a group of people gathered on the U.S. side, as he stands on the beach where the border wall ends in the ocean, in Tijuana, Mexico, Sunday, April 29, 2018
The Mexican government will ask the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, for help in coordinating an overflowing wave of refugees arriving from on its southern border from Central American countries.

Mexico's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it needs the UN body’s help to manage all the refugee applications. The UN’s assistance is necessary “to avoid people being deceived by international criminal organizations dedicated to human trafficking,” the statement said.

READ MORE: Trump Warns Central American Countries He Will End Aid Over Immigrant ‘Caravan'

“Finally, the government of Mexico reiterates its commitments with the international community's efforts in favor of safe, orderly and regular migration; and with the human rights of migrants. At the same time, it expresses its conviction that dialogue and international cooperation among countries of origin, transit, and destination of migrants are indispensable to confront the challenges that the migratory phenomenon implies,” it added.

Mexico’s Foreign Ministry is responding to the caravan of around 2,000 migrants that is traveling from Honduras toward Guatemala, aiming to reach the US-Mexican border. The Honduran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation urged citizens to stop participating in the caravan, as it could put their lives at risk. However, the caravan reportedly is still on its way to reach Mexico’s southern border and then to the southern border of the US.

US President Donald Trump addressed the situation on Twitter, warning he could take military action to close the US’ border with Mexico to stop the flow of immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jamie Davis said in a statement Thursday that the National Guard hadn’t yet been asked to send additional troops to the border.

“Beyond the National Guard soldiers currently supporting the Department of Homeland Security on our southern border… the Department of Defense has not been tasked to provide additional support,” he said.

In April, Trump said that he wanted to deploy more US troops on the border until the completion of his planned wall between the US and Mexico. Defense Secretary James Mattis later authorized the National Guard to deploy up to 4,000 troops on the southern border.
