
Russian-French Fund for Historic Initiatives Launches in Moscow

One of the fund’s main tasks is the implementation of projects that are aimed at preserving the memory of the Russian soldiers who fought in France during the First World War, the study of Valutina Gora in Smolensk region, where a fight took place in August 1812, and other historical projects.

The Russian-French Fund for Historic Initiatives has officially been launched in Moscow and helps to play a role with joint projects between the countries.

Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov and the head of the foundation, historian and archaeologist Pierre Malinovsky, attended the opening of the fund.

"Today we have held a presentation of our foundation, the Russian-French Fund of Historical Initiatives. Famous people are attending the opening ceremony, in particular, Mr. Dmitry Peskov [the Kremlin's spokesman], as well as other individuals. […] It's all about big projects; we have five for now, they will be implemented by 2021," Pierre Malinovsky said at the opening ceremony.

READ MORE: Kremlin Spokesman Attends Opening of Russian-French Fund of Historic Initiatives

According to Malinovsky, Russia and France “have a thousand-year joint history.”

Pierre Malinovsky

“We have done lots of things together. During both World Wars, Russia and France were together, side by side. Yes, we were enemies in Napoleon's era, but then we became friends again. I think that France and Russia can implement thousands of joint projects,” he added.
