
Google Covers Up Sexual Misconduct by Its 'High and Mighty' – Reports

In an explosive report, The New York Times zoomed in on allegations of sexual misbehavior by Google’s top managers.

According to the NYT report, Android creator Andrew Rubin was allowed to quietly resign with a $90 million exit package after a woman complained that he had forced her to perform oral sex in a hotel room.

Taking a cue from the New York Times report, Google engineer Liz Fong-Jones slammed her company’s senior managers for their "abuse of power relationships" in a barrage of angry tweets.

"When Google covers up harassment and passes the trash, it contributes to an environment where people don’t feel safe reporting misconduct. They suspect that nothing will happen or, worse, that the men will be paid and the women will be pushed aside," she fumed.

​Fong-Jones also told her own #MeToo story about Richard DeVaul, the head of Google's research and development arm Google X, whom she slept with after he “got very creative to maneuver past the letter of limits I set."

​DeVaul has also been reported to have allegedly behaved inappropriately towards a hardware engineer applying for a job at Google. In a statement to the New York Times, he apologized for what he termed as an "error of judgment."

​"It's the abuse of power relationships in situations where there was no consent, or consent was impossible," Liz Fong-Jones said. 

READ MORE: #MeToo: India Forms Ministerial Panel to Tighten Sexual Harassment Rules
