
Israeli Defense Forces Blame Syria, Iran for Gaza Shelling

On Saturday, the IDF conducted air strikes on around 80 targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the recent shelling from the area.

Islamic Jihad's spokesman has announced an immediate halt to Gaza rocket fire on Israel.

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In addition, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement expressed its consent to a comprehensive ceasefire with Israel, Alray Palestinian media agency reported. 

The movement said it was ready for reconciliation after a meeting of its leadership with Egyptian officials, according to the media agency.

Earlier in the day, spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus has alleged that there was a link between the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group it blames for the recent Gaza shelling and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as the Syrian government.

"We have seen and established a clear link between Gaza and Damascus," he said, stressing further that Israel's response is not going to be "limited geographically."

READ MORE: WATCH IDF Strike 8 Hamas Targets in Response to Missile Launched from Gaza

At the same time, the IDF spokesperson Ronen Manelis claimed that Damascus and the Iranian Quds Force directed the Hamas rockets that recently targeted Israel.

"Clear messages were delivered to those who needed that delivery," the spokesman said, "nobody is immuned [sic], not in the Gaza Strip nor outside of it."

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Neither Damascus, nor Tehran have commented on the accusations yet.

The spokesman also stressed that the IDF was prepared to expand its strikes if such a scenario unfolds. According to Manelis, Israel anticipates that Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman's resolution to allow deliveries of gasoline purchased from Qatar into Gaza will shift the situation in the region.

According to the IDF press service, the Israeli Air Force attacked eight sites belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in response to the latest rocket attacks from Gaza.

"Following the 30+ rockets fired from #Gaza at #Israel last night, we responded by striking 8 terror targets in Gaza, including… Palestinian Islamic Jihad cement factory," the IDF said on Twitter.

1. This Palestinian Islamic Jihad cement factory, which was used to build cross-border terror tunnels, was built RIGHT NEXT TO a #school, putting the children of #Gaza at risk.

2. We also struck this Islamic Jihad weapons manufacturing facility — they use their weapons to try to kill innocent Israeli civilians, we use our weapons to destroy their weapons.

IDF also said the strikes had targeted the group's weapons manufacturing facility in the northern part of the enclave.

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The IDF's statement comes after the Israeli military announced that it had attacked 87 facilities of the Hamas movement, which the IDF considers responsible for all aggressive actions from the Hamas-controlled territory of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military said it had struck two arms workshops, five bases, a training camp, an entrance to an underground tunnel and an observation post among other targets.

Tensions between the Israeli and Palestinians in Gaza flared up amid the Great March of Return rally, which began on March 30. The Israeli side has been using lethal arms to suppress the rallies citing security concerns and putting the blame for the escalation on the Hamas movement, governing the area.
