
'Bored' Schoolgirl at Meeting With Melania Trump Sets Internet on Fire

The Internet has probably found its new hero, and it's a schoolgirl who seemed to be less than thrilled by the opportunity to meet the First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, during a visit to the White House on Tuesday.

After welcoming 30 sixth-grade students from the Digital Pioneers Academy at the White House Family Theater on Tuesday, Melania Trump's office tweeted a series of photos from the event, showing a crowd of children next to FLOTUS.

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And apparently it takes one little girl to make a picture go viral: she seemingly couldn’t care less about the meeting, as she can be seen gazing directly at the camera, with her arms crossed and a painfully bored facial expression.

The girl, who may or may not have intended to look as if she didn't care about what's happening around her, has become popular on social media for her bold attitude:

The children joined Melania Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in the White House Family Theater to watch the 2017 movie Wonder, which tells a story about a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome, a condition that causes facial deformities.

“The movie celebrates October’s National Bullying Prevention Month by highlighting the importance of choosing kindness — a core belief of Mrs. Trump’s Be Best campaign,” a spokesperson for FLOTUS told the Hill.

Melania launched her anti-bullying initiative, Be Best, earlier this year.
