
Stephen Barclay Appointed Brexit Secretary After Raab Resignation - Spokesman

Earlier this week, Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab resigned from his post arguing that the proposed regulatory regime for Northern Ireland would "pose a very real threat" to the UK's integrity.

The UK's Junior Health Minister Stephen Barclay, who cast a vote to leave the EU in 2016, has been appointed new Brexit Secretary on Friday, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman said.

Barclay has been promoted from a minister of state at the Department of Health, according to The Guardian newspaper.

He will replace Dominic Raab who resigned on Thursday over his disagreement with the draft Brexit deal backed by the Cabinet.

READ MORE: Irish PM Does Not See Much Room for Brexit Deal Renegotiation

According to the spokesman, Theresa May would personally manage the remaining 10 days of talks with the EU on the future framework; Barclay, on his part, would mostly manage the preparedness within the UK for Brexit and the process of getting the existing draft plan through parliament.

Irish PM Does Not See Much Room for Brexit Deal Renegotiation
Earlier this week, London and Brussels finally completed a draft deal following more than a year of tough talks on Brexit conditions. Both the UK and European parliaments will review and consider the document.

The draft agreement has prompted several resignations in the UK government and been met with criticism in the House of Commons, the lower chamber of parliament. On Thursday, UK Prime Minister Theresa May promised to fight for her Brexit divorce deal, which she said was in the best interests of the UK public.
