
Jewish People's Security Fears 'Not Real' Comment Gets UK MP Suspended

Comments by an Assembly Member for Wales will be reviewed by the Labour Party National Executive Committee over their controversy in relation to Israel and the Jewish people.

A recording featuring Jenny Rathbone's remarks on the increased security measures at Cardiff United Synagogue in the city's Cyncoed suburb led to politician's suspension.

"The fact that the Jewish synagogue in Cyncoed is, is become one of these, you know, fortress is really uncomfortable. How much of it is for real and how much of it is in their own heads is really hard for an outsider to judge, but I think siege mentalities are also part of it," Rathbone said during a meeting over a year ago.

READ MORE: Jewish Group Accuses Labour Party of Being 'Institutionally Anti-Semitic'

The Welsh AM has since apologized for her comments that haven't been received well by her fellow MPs.

Welsh Labour MP Chris Elmore called Ms. Rathbone's remarks "disgusting."

"As Jeremy [Corbyn] has made clear, there is a no place for antisemitism in the Labour Party. No one in Welsh Labour can stand by and accept these sort of views especially from an elected AM. I hope action is taken," the politician said.

The Conservative Party operating in Wales suggested the Jewish community was under threat in Britain in the light of unhealthy environment purported by Jeremy Corbyn's party.

Labour has been rocked by the anti-Semitism scandal with accusations of intolerance dominating news headlines over the summer.

Since its onset, Labour leader has pledged to tackle the "social cancer" of anti-Semitism in the UK and beyond, while admitting that it is a difficult time for the country's Jewish community.
