
Brexit Might Result in More Beneficial Russian-UK Relations – Russian Embassy

LONDON (Sputnik) - The UK divorce with the European Union might be a starting point for building more beneficial relations between Moscow and London, the spokesperson of the Russian Embassy to the United Kingdom told Sputnik on Monday.

"Theoretically, a withdrawal from the European Union could become a starting point for the United Kingdom for building new, more beneficial economic relations with the outside world, including Russia. The presence of a significant potential in this area is indicated, in particular, by the sentiment of the business communities of both countries to systematically expand ties. It can be fully felt at the annual Russian-British Business Forum held today in London with the participation of several hundred Russian and UK companies," the spokesperson said.

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Russia is ready to negotiate conditions with the United Kingdom on the latter’s post-Brexit trade and economic ties, however, London continues to steadily damage bilateral relations, according to the embassy spokesperson.

The United Kingdom voted to leave the bloc in 2016 and is set to depart from the European Union by late March 2019.
