
DPRK Leader Ready to Let Inspectors See Yongbyon Nuclear Facilities – Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – North Korean leader Kim Jong-un expressed readiness to allow inspectors to see nuclear facilities in Yongbyon, Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday citing a diplomatic source.

Kim announced this decision in a letter to US President Donald Trump that was handed to him by South Korean President Moon Jae-in in September.

"As far as I know, Kim Jong-un said at the Pyongyang summit that if the US takes the appropriate steps, he is ready not only to close the complex in Yongbyon, but also to allow inspections [of nuclear facilities]," the source close to the talks said.

North Korea Preparing Nuclear Site for International Inspections - Reports
READ MORE: Pence: Next Trump-Kim Summit to Go Ahead Without List of N Korean Nuclear Sites

The situation on the Korean peninsula has improved since the beginning of this year as Kim engaged in an active dialogue with Moon and Trump. During the landmark Kim-Trump summit in June, the two leaders agreed that North Korea would make efforts to denuclearize of the Korean peninsula in exchange for the United States and South Korea freezing their military drills as well as the potential removal of US sanctions.
