
'Migrating Here Is No Human Right' - Swedish MEP Slams UN Pact

While Sweden Democrat Kristina Winberg warned of 'millions of Africans' trying to enter Europe illegally, her compatriots gathered in Stockholm to voice their discontent regarding a major upcoming intergovernmental UN pact that Sweden intends to be part of.

Right-wing MEP and Sweden Democrat Christina Winberg has warned that the UN document called the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), scheduled to be signed in Morocco on December 11, is the first step towards "turning migration into a human right".

In her opinion piece, published by the tabloid daily Aftonbladet, Winberg stressed that the GCM makes no distinction between refugees and migrants, or legal vs. illegal migration.

"The underlying idea that permeates the entire document is that migration is something almost natural, unstoppable, which should therefore be promoted, supported and protected," Winberg warned of the consequences of the document that "fails to take into account the disadvantages of migration, such as high costs and cultural clashes".

Despite its formally non-binding character, the GCM may have far-reaching consequences for Sweden and is being given surprisingly little space in the public debate, she wrote.

READ MORE: UN 'Soft Law' Predicted to Spur Migration From 'Poor' to 'Rich' Countries

Winberg also stressed that the 23 objectives that Sweden intends to commit itself to will become a burden on the country's welfare system, which will hardly be welcome among Swedish taxpayers.

The Sweden Democrat focused, among other issues, on the member states' duty to ensure all migrants, be it legal or illegal, have access to 'basic services' such as housing, interpreter support and healthcare.

Another point of criticism is the GCM's call for the "promotion of mutual respect for cultures, traditions and customs". According to Winberg, this disregards phenomena such as so-called 'honour culture' or female circumcision, both of which were largely unknown in Sweden and gained media attention following the migrant crisis.

Lastly, she drew attention to the GCM's measures to 'eliminate discrimination, racism and intolerance', which include training professionals and eliminating public support from media who present migration in a negative light.

"Which media would then dare to question the official stance that migration should be promoted, without the risk of being labelled 'intolerant' and having support withdrawn?" Winberg asked rhetorically.

While stressing Sweden's active participation in the process of developing the GMC, Winberg stressed that many countries (including Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Israel and Austria) had refused to sign it, citing national sovereignty concerns. The US didn't even take part in negotiations on the GMC, she noted.

READ MORE: Swedes 'Give the Finger' to Gov't Plan to Sign 'Headless' Migration Agreement

According to Winberg, 'millions of Africans' will in the future seek to migrate to Europe illegally, regardless of whether or not they qualify for asylum.

"What reality do we live in? Total self-denial or just partial? How will future generations look at our contemporary one if we do not even dare to talk about these issues? Who will pay? We who are stubborn enough to talk about this may find ourselves branded racists, xenophobes and populists," Winberg wrote.

​Meanwhile, at least 500 Swedes participated in an independent three-hour demonstration against the GCM, organised at Mynttorget Square in Stockholm. Among the speakers there was author, blogger and children's writer Katerina Janouch, economist Jan Tullberg and former TV expert Lennart Matikainen. The participants sported banners like 'Traitors' and 'Rather referendum than replacement'.

​Incidentally, no representative of the Sweden Democrats appeared, despite being invited.

"They have missed their chance," organiser Håkan Bergmark of the Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden told the news outlet Fria Tider.
