
Defensive ‘Roo Takes on Irresponsible Human, Hounds and His Brew

This leashless man messed with the wrong kangaroo!

A father-daughter duo's afternoon at a watering hole ended in fisticuffs in Facebook footage uploaded Thursday and later acquired by Viral Hog.

Facebook user Bree Tuohey's father is seen swatting at the kangaroo in the clip before being knocked on his rear end. Seeing their owner in distress, the family dogs jump in to distract the ‘roo and defend the middle-aged man as he gets back on his feet.

Tuohey's post boasts that her father didn't drop his "stubby," but the fact that he fell like a turtle on its back makes one question his effectiveness in the brief brawl. Though most of the reactions on Facebook were positive, Viral Hog viewers on YouTube did not find the situation as humorous — at all.

"In defence of the kangaroo, you guys were in his territory. It would have been better to retrieve your dogs. Your dad could have been seriously hurt.," Joey Ng commented under the clip. 
