
Former UKIP Leader Nuttall Leaves Party Because of Tommy Robinson - Reports

UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall has become the latest member of the party to announce his departure, days after Nigel Farage left the party over discontent with the handling of Brexit.

UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall announced his resignation on Friday, Sky News reported. Nuttall has become the latest member of the party to announce his departure in last several days.

His decision is reportedly connected with the disapproval of the appointment of the right-wing activist Tommy Robinson as an adviser to the party.

The party member's resignation has come days after former leader Nigel Farage declared he was leaving UKIP over discontent with the direction it was going and its handling of Brexit.

READ MORE: UKIP Ex-Leader Nigel Farage Quitting Party Amid Brexit Row

'Batten Might Be Keeping Seat Warm': Tommy Robinson Could Soon Be UKIP Leader
The party has shown its discontent with Theresa May's policy handling of Brexit, saying the prime minister's efforts to steer the country out of the European Union have been insincere from the start, with her departure as head of government now necessary to obtain a more amicable deal and make Brexit happen.

UKIP currently has no MPs in Westminster, but it had great influence in calling for a referendum on EU membership, and campaigned to leave, under former leader Nigel Farage.
