
Yellow Vest Protester's Hand Blown Off as French Revolt Turns Ugly (GRAPHIC)

"Gilets Jaunes," or "Yellow Vests" protests have been raging across France for over three weeks now. The city of Bordeaux in southwest France descended into mayhem on Saturday; clashes between protesters and police left 26 injured and 70 arrested, according to French TV.

A graphic video, now unavailable, was shared by Facebook group La France en colère (Angry France), which is covering the ongoing unrest in France. It shows a horrific injury sustained by a protester during violent Yellow Vests riots in Bordeaux on Saturday.

The man can be seen running toward the camera holding up his right elbow with the left hand, with a bleeding stamp left on his right wrist.

WARNING: The following photo is graphic and may offend sensibilities

A screengrab of the video

Another video later emerged of paramedics loading the man into an ambulance on a stretcher.

According to the city's deputy public prosecutor, Olivier Etienne, the man was trying to pick up a grenade to throw it back when it detonated and blew off his limb.
