
WATCH: Killer Python Wraps Itself Around Indonesian Villager

A video of a gigantic python coiling itself around an Indonesian local’s ankle while other villagers successfully wrestle him out of its clutches has gone viral.

The villagers thought the snake, which was initially resting by the river, was a log, according to AFP. However, when one of villagers touched the serpent, it wrapped itself around his ankles.

​The video, which was taken by villager Ronal Efendi Coto on November 22, shows multiple men grappling with the snake in the Pucuang Anam village in Sumatra, a large Indonesian island. The video then cuts to a shot of the giant serpent trapped in a cage.

According to AFP, the villagers asked a local zoo to take in the python. However, the zoo declined, citing a lack of capacity.

"For now we are just keeping it in the cage so people can come and have a look," Coto told AFP, noting that the snake was eight meters long.

As you might imagine, humans encountering such gigantic reptiles in Southeast Asia is nothing new. 

Serpent Surprise: Adult Python Found in Texas Goodwill Donation Bin (PHOTOS)

In June, the body of 54-year-old Indonesian woman Wa Tiba was discovered inside a seven-meter python found near the victim's garden on the Indonesian island of Muna, Sputnik previously reported.

Pythons typically attack monkeys, pigs and other mammals smaller than humans, grabbing them with their dozens of teeth, choking them and then swallowing them whole to digest. Attacks on people are rare, although Tiba's death was the second deadly python attack in Indonesia since March of last year, when a 25-year-old rural man was swallowed on the island of Sulawesi.
