
Chinese Robot Stabs Factory Employee in Near-Fatal Malfunction – Reports

A 49-year-old man from China was rushed to hospital after a terrifying accident in Hunan province, according to a report by People's Daily Online.

A Chinese factory worker was repeatedly pierced by 10 foot-long (30 cm), half-inch (1.5 cm) metal spikes after a robotic arm fell on him, People's Daily Online reported. Six of the rods sliced his right shoulder and chest, while four others pierced other parts of the body, according to a Chinese hospital which treated the worker.

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He was immediately rushed to a hospital, with doctors saying that one of the spikes missed an artery by 0.04 inches (0.1 cm). It is said that the accident occurred last Tuesday when the man was working a night shift.

“They were relatively big so there was no means of fitting the patient into the X-ray machine while the nails themselves could have caused interference with X-rays”, Wu Panfeng, an associate professor of hand microsurgery, said.

He is in stable condition and is able to move his right arm again, although he will need treatment and physiotherapy to fully recover.
