By Any Means Necessary

Why Americans Love Racist Movies and Border Wall Funding

Facebook shared more user data than known; Dangers of burying nuclear waste; Paul Ryan's speakership ends; Government shutdown looms.

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by technologist Chris Garaffa to discuss Facebook giving private corporations access to user data without consent, the compounding nature of Facebook's problems and the evolution of online data-driven capitalism.

In the second segment Dr. Jared Ball, father, husband, professor at Morgan State University, and curator of joins the show to talk about the problematic portrayal of the life of jazz pianist and composer Don Shirley in the new movie "Green Book", the inherent racism within pop culture, and the usage of black celebrities to depoliticize and deradicalize Black Americas.

In a special third segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Kevin Kamps, the Radioactive Waste Watchdog at Beyond Nuclear to talk about the leftover nuclear waste from shuttered nuclear plants in San Onofre, California, efforts by officials to bury the waste in the beach along the Pacific Ocean or move it to low-income minority communities, and the environmentally sound alternatives to properly containing and storing nuclear waste.

Later in the show, Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Jacque Luqman of Luqman Nation to talk about the possible US government shutdown over the border wall, a GoFundMe campaign to support the building of the border wall, the end of Paul Ryan's time as Speaker of the House, why Michelle Obama is dangerous for black liberation, Paris Dennard's firing from CNN, and Disney trademarking the term "hakuna matata".

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