
Jihadist Linked to Charlie Hebdo Attack to Face French Prosecutors - Reports

Peter Cherif, a suspect close to the brothers of the perpetrator's of the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack, has appeared before the French prosecutor's office, following his extradition to France from Djibouti.

One of France's most wanted men, Peter Cherif, considered a high-value asset by intelligence agencies due to the information he potentially holds, is set to start serving a prison sentence after spending seven years on the run.

He is yet to be charged for any involvement in the terrorist attack on satire magazine Charlie Hebdo's office in 2015, but investigators expect to receive additional information about those behind the attack. 

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Moreover, Cherif will soon be delivered to a judicial investigator, who is considering the request of the prosecutor's office from 2017 on suspicion of his "links with terrorists." This investigation, according to AFP reports, involves Peter Cherif's contacts with representatives of the al-Qaeda* terror network in Yemen, where he later became a high-ranking member.

Earlier it was reported that the 36-year-old was extradited to France; on December 16, he was arrested in Djibouti, where he arrived from Yemen using fake documents, before being handed over to French authorities.

READ MORE: Paris Court Sentences Associate of Charlie Hebdo Attackers to 7 Years in Prison

On January 7, 2015, Charlie Hebdo's editorial office was attacked by Islamist gunmen, resulting in 12 deaths and 11 non-fatal casualties. The attack was launched in revenge of the magazine publishing satire cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Kouachi brothers were eventually found and fatally shot by French police two days after the attack.

*Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries. 
