By Any Means Necessary

Will Dems Impeach Trump and Propel Him to Re-election?

The maturing of the the American left; Steve Bannon's right-wing global organizing; Jair Bolsonaro sworn in as President of Brazil.

In the first segment of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by James Early, Former Director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage at the Smithsonian Institution, and board member of the Institute for Policy Studies to talk about the swearing in of new US Congressional members, the chances of Trump being impeached under a new Congress, the ideological maturing of the American political left, the rise in global citizen movements in Africa, Europe, the US, and Latin America, and Steve Bannon's continued efforts to organize the global right. The group also discuss how to increase the urgency and response to climate change.

In the third segment of "By Any Means Necessary," we are joined by Aline Piva, a journalist and a member of Brazilians for Democracy and Social Justice to talk about the inauguration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Bolsonaro's focus on international capital at the expense of indigenous populations and the Amazon Rainforest, what an increased police presence in Brazil's favelas will mean under the new President, and the regional implications across Latin America with the new Brazilian regime now in place.

In the last hour "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Brandon Sutton, host of the Discourse podcast, to talk about Nancy Pelosi elected to Speaker of the House, the repercussions of impeaching Donald Trump, the very racist floats at the "Hummers Parade," an annual event in Middletown, DE, sexism and pay inequality exposed within Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign, and William Arkin's resignation letter from NBC news.

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