
Chinese Envoy Accuses Canada of ‘White Supremacy’ in Huawei Arrest Case

China’s ambassador to Canada has accused the country of double standards, commenting on the detention of a Chinese citizen, Meng Wanzhou, the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei, who was accused of violating the US sanctions on Iran.

China's Ambassador to Canada Lu Shaye has published an article in the Hill Times, the text of which was posted on the official website of the embassy.

The diplomat recalled that in early December, Huawei's Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver, BC at the request of American authorities. Later, two Canadian citizens were detained in China — former Canadian embassy employee Michael Kovrig and businessman Michael Speyvor. Beijing suspected them of involvement in actions that threatened national security.

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Lu Shaye was dismayed that certain Canadian officials and media sources demanded the immediate release of Kovrig and Speyvor, which he characterised as a disregard of China’s judicial sovereignty. He contrasted this with their tacit or explicit approval of the illegal arrest of Meng Wanzhou. The Canadians' anxiety, he said, was reserved for their citizens, while the rights of others were disregarded, Lu Shaye stressed.

"It seems that, to some people, only Canadian citizens shall be treated in a humanitarian manner and their freedom deemed valuable, while Chinese people do not deserve that," Lu Shaye wrote.

"The reason why some people are used to arrogantly adopting double standards is due to Western egotism and white supremacy," he added.

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The envoy wrote that after the detention of Meng Wanzhou, Beijing demanded her release and that the legal rights of its citizens were respected. However, Ottawa, in response to this, stated that there is an independent judiciary in the country, and that the Canadian authorities must respect the law and do not have the right to interfere in the proceedings.

The arrest of Meng Wanzhou comes amid a US-China trade war and a row over the Chinese firm Huawei's products in particular, which were banned from being used by US government agencies.
