
Venezuelan National Assembly Announces Anti-Gov't Rally

MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - The Venezuelan opposition will hold a public meeting to determine further actions in the light of President Nicolas Maduro's inauguration, Juan Guaido, the head of the Venezuelan opposition-dominated National Assembly, said.

"We will hold a public meeting in front of the United Nations office, including various sectors of the nation, to determine the way for the return to the constitutional path," Guaido wrote on Twitter, noting that the meeting will be held later on Friday.

The lawmaker added that the National Assembly had begun working in a state of emergency due to the complete destruction of Venezuela's constitutional framework after Maduro’s inauguration. Moreover, the legislature would represent the country before the international community, the opposition figure pointed out.

Nicolas Maduro Sworn in for Second Term as Venezuelan President
READ MORE: Chile Refuses to Recognize Maduro's New Presidential Term — Foreign Ministry

On Thursday, Maduro was sworn in for his second presidential term, which will last through 2025, after winning the May presidential election. The move was criticized by the United States, the Lima Group and the Organization of American States, which refused to recognize Maduro's presidential powers.

On Friday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed the situation in Venezuela during a phone call with Guaido.

The National Assembly has practically been excluded from the political decision-making in Venezuela with Maduro convening the National Constituent Assembly, which is under the control of the government.
