
South African President Urges Nation to Fight Against National Rape Crisis

According to Africa Check, at least 40,000 rapes are reported in the country every year, which is an average of 110 rapes each day. However, the fact-checking organisation believes that the real numbers are much higher.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the issue of rape during a meeting dedicated to the 107th anniversary of the governing African National Congress on Saturday.

"We have made huge strides in improving the position of women in society… however, gender-based violence is a national crisis that we are determined to end, so that all South African women and girls may live in peace, safety and dignity", the South African president stated.

READ MORE: South African Man Caught Red-Handed Raping a Cat — Reports

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Ramaphosa also called for harsher sentences for perpetrators of gender-based violence and for better-skilled police and prosecutorial authorities, noting "It is important that children learn from a young age to respect one another as equals".

The appeal comes as the campaign for the 2019 elections gets underway. The country is set to elect a new National Assembly and new provincial legislatures in each province.
