Fault Lines

Theresa May on the Brink Following Devastating Brexit Defeat

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss the upcoming "vote of no-confidence" facing Theresa May after her Brexit deal was rejected yesterday in the House of Commons. How much longer will May hold on as Prime Minister, and how will the United Kingdom's relationship with the European Union evolve moving forward?


Ted Rall — Political Cartoonist & Syndicated Columnist | Are DC Democrats and Republicans Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Austin Petersen — Business Owner and Former Candidate for US Senate in Missouri | The Unending Shutdown and Which Democrat(s) CAN Win in 2020

Ben Garrison — Independent Political Cartoonist | Political Cartoonist Takes on Democrats and the Government Shutdown

While Republicans and Democrats are constantly rebuking each other in public, reality suggests that the two major parties actually agree on many major issues including foreign policy and defense spending. Political cartoonist and syndicated columnist Ted Rall joins the show to discuss what Washington DC-based Democrats and Republicans have in common, and why they oftentimes appear to lack ideological commitment on issues that the public finds important.

As the government shutdown continues to endure, the question lingers of whether President Trump or Congressional Democrats will blink first to end the current standoff. Former Senate candidate Austin Petersen returns to the program to talk about how he sees the shutdown coming to a close and to get his early thoughts on the 2020 Presidential race. Will "progressive" Democrats get a candidate they like or will an establishment moderate like Joe Biden rise to the top in a crowded field?

For the final segment, Garland and Lee are joined by independent political cartoonist Ben Garrison to hear his take on the government shutdown and current turmoil in Washington DC. Ben will also discuss some of the inspiration for his art and why he regularly loads his cartoons with a great deal of content and subtle references to separate his work from the pack.

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