Fault Lines

Garland Goes to Hawaii for Tulsi Gabbard's Presidential Announcement!

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Lee Stranahan and Garland Nixon discuss Tulsi Gabbard's upcoming Presidential announcement this weekend in Hawaii which Garland Nixon will attend in person. Does Gabbard have any realistic chance in the Democratic Primary, and how much time will Garland spend partying and on the beach while in Hawaii?


Holly Hood — Urban Libertarian | President Trump vs. Mitch McConnell on Foreign Policy

Danny Sjursen - U.S. Army Officer and Former History Instructor at West Point | Exposing the Congressional Warhawks

Talib Karim — Attorney and Executive Director of STEM4US — Are We Headed for ANOTHER Government Shutdown?


With the support of Mitch McConnell, the US Senate recently voted to rebuke President Trump's plans to withdraw forces from the Middle East. Holly Hood aka 'The Urban Libertarian' joins Garland and Lee in-studio to talk about McConnell's willingness to publicly oppose Trump and how this will impact the direction of American foreign policy in the Middle East.

For anti-war Americans, there are very few members of Congress who represent their interests with regards to foreign policy. US Army Officer Danny Sjursen returns to the show to discuss why there are "Warhawks" on both sides of the political aisle and why the public cannot count on the Democratic Party establishment to help end the American tradition of endless wars and foreign entanglements.

To close out the week, attorney Talib Karim joins the show in-studio for a conversation about the major issues facing Congress and the likelihood that we are headed for another government shutdown. Will President Trump make a longterm deal with Congressional Democrats, and how is free speech currently under major attack on Capitol Hill?

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