
Mogherini Does Not Rule Out More EU Sanctions on Russia Over Kerch Incident

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Monday that there was a chance the European Union could impose new sanctions on Russia in relation to the Kerch Strait incident within two weeks.

"Yes, there can be decisions by unanimity on new sanctions coming in the next couple of weeks," Mogherini said at the doorstep of the EU Foreign Affair Council and Competitiveness Council, answering a corresponding question.

READ MORE: Kerch Strait Incident Unlikely to Cause New US Sanctions on Russia — AmCham

At Least 11 Dead After Two Vessels Catch Fire in Kerch Strait - Authorities
On 25 November, three ships of the Ukrainian Navy — Berdyansk, Nikopol, and Yany Kapu — crossed the Russian border, entered Russian territorial waters that were temporarily closed, and began moving toward the Kerch Strait, which serves as the entrance into the Sea of Azov.

The Ukrainian vessels and their crew were detained by Russia after failing to respond to a lawful demand to stop.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the incident was a provocation prepared in advance as a pretext to introduce martial law.

Putin suggested that it could be connected with Poroshenko's low approval ratings ahead of the 2019 presidential vote.

Following the incident, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko decreed a three-month martial law in several regions of the country neighboring Russia, as well as the coast of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
