
'Ven iz Whale-uh?' Twitter Agog as Trump Struggles to Pronounce 'Venezuela'

Social media users have been brutally poking fun at US President Donald Trump a.k.a. “stable genius” after he delivered a speech on the ongoing political turmoil in Venezuela.

During a speech denouncing the political crisis in Venezuela earlier this week, US President Donald Trump appeared to experience difficulty while pronouncing the name of the Latin American country.

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He repeatedly slurred the word, at one point saying what appeared to be “Venewella”, which was quickly picked up by Vox reporter Aaron Rupar, who, certainly, tweeted the compilation:

Needless to say, the clip couldn’t go unnoticed, letting social media users lose themselves to unequivocal mockery:

One person made a reference to Trump’s tweet, in which he called himself a “stable genius”:

Other netizens alluded to a similar incident, when Trump seemingly struggled to pronounce “the United States”, prompting many to suggest his dentures were falling out:

A fellow Twitterian was not surprised, referring to comments by John Walcott, Time magazine’s national security correspondent, who claimed that Trump had mispronounced Nepal and Bhutan as “nipple” and “button” in a White House meeting with security officials:

The Late Late Show Host James Corden even did a comedy skit:

In December 2017, Trump was delivering a statement on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel when he started slurring some words. The president appeared to have trouble with the words that included the letter “s”, voicing some of them as “sh”, having ended his speech with “God bless the United Shtesh”.

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All this caused many to speculate about Trump’s dental or health issues, which was debunked by White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, who said POTUS’ throat was dry.
