
Saudi King Mistakenly Recounts Palestinian State on '1937 Borders' – Reports

The alleged statement came as US President Donald Trump’s senior Middle East adviser – and son-in-law – Jared Kushner was heading to the tumultuous region to discuss the peace plan for Israelis and Palestinians.

At the opening of the first EU-Arab summit in Egypt, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud read “1937 borders” instead of the commonly accepted “1967 borders”, while laying out the kingdom’s vision for the Palestinian issue, which is contrary to the generally accepted position on the matter, Anadolu Agencyreported.

"We reaffirm our firm position towards the restoration of all the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, foremost of which is the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1937 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The resolution of the Palestinian issue is important not only for the stability of the Middle East but to the stability of the world and Europe in particular, and in this regard we appreciate the European efforts to find a just solution to this issue", he allegedly told the meeting.

Other media outlets, however, quoted him as saying the “1967 borders”.

Trump, Netanyahu to Set Up Palestinian State After Election, Minister Claims
During the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in Mandatory Palestine, the Peel Commission published a report suggesting that the Arab-Jewish deadlock could not be resolved by creating a single state, and recommended for the first time a partition of the land into a Jewish state and an Arab state alongside an international zone.

Under the plan, the Jewish state would get the bigger share of land, while Arabs were to receive territories in the south and mid-east, including Judea, Samaria, and the Negev desert.

Many Arabs hope to see a two-state solution and a return of Palestinian land located behind the so-called “1967 lines”, re-establishing borders from before the Six Day War, when Israel seized the Gaza Strip from Egypt, as well as the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.
